Love organizing and want to get paid $1000's while truly helping others?

How to Launch Your Organizing Business and Get Your First Clients Within The Next 30 Days...

Hi, Cynthia Murray here...

When I first started, I had no idea this was such an in-demand service...

Flashback to 2008… recession hits and I lose my job at Wal-Mart. Just like that, I was unemployed. My plan had been to do what I’d always been taught, to find a job, put in hours, and get paid on the other end, but NO ONE was hiring.

This whole portion of my life lasted for about a year and a half and then something happened…

I was watching HGTV when an episode of Mission Organization came on and they featured a Professional Organizer. It’s like time.. stood.. still.

The thought hit me like a lightning bolt!...

"You can get paid to organize?, I thought to myself..."

I had what felt like a million thoughts run through my head…

Can I really do this, do I need to be certified, what will people pay, would they even pay me? How’s it different when organizing for others? Do I need a degree? Why would people want little ol’ Cynthia? What about the recession? What about competition?

I started doing research and one thing after another checked off and everything lined up… no special degree or schooling was needed, no certification was needed, others were charging an upwards of $50/hr… it seemed too good to be true, but I was also desperate and needed SOMETHING to work so badly, I was willing to at least try and see…

I spent months researching and trying to prepare myself as much as possible. Coming up with ideas on how I would handle the initial conversations all the way through working with clients, shopping, and completing organizing projects.

There was so much I still didn’t know and I was nervous and scared about all of it. Adam (who's now my husband) helped me set up a bunch of stuff I didn’t fully understand. And.. after months of prep, I finally felt ready enough to launch… I set my rate at $40/hr to start and we put it out into the world that I was in business!

Somehow, some way, not even a few days later, I sat down at my computer to check my email and saw that someone reached out and wanted ME to work for THEM. I… was… in… shock.

I was so excited that I ran as fast as I could across our tiny apartment and yelled frantically to Adam...


I went through my process with her, she hired me, and I made my first $400 from just 2 days of organizing. My very first payment from an organizing client. That would’ve taken me a full week of working at Wal-Mart to earn that much! Later, I raised my rate to $50/hr, then $75/hr and I continued getting clients…

However, that first year, I only made a grand total of $13,372.

Over my second year, I started to realize how the little things made a big difference. Like if I did my in-home consultations a certain way, I would get more business. Like how asking specific questions on my initial discovery calls led to more “yeses,” and how small marketing tweaks brought in more consistent clients…

Not only were my clients more happy with the transformations I was making, my business started to really take off.

My second year I did $72,927

By my third year, I brought in $150,458!

. . . I went from unemployed to earning over Six-Figures within just a few short years!

After really figuring things out, our lives completely transformed. We caught up financially, we could afford to get married, buy a house, and we now have two beautiful children who are just growing up way too fast. The best part is our business is built around our schedule, we take time off whenever we like and family always comes first for us.

Blessings come in all kinds of disguises. If I had never lost my job and went through all that, I would not have tried to start an organizing business. My life would be drastically different than it is today.

I started in 2009 and I've coached over 1000 others since 2011. I've helped many of my students reach their goals over the years... Whether that was a nice side-income or six-figures and beyond!

I've personally done it, I've personally helped 1000's of others, and I know what it takes to be successful!

Meet Your Coaches

Hey, nice to meet you!

My name is Cynthia Murray and I'd like to introduce you to my husband Adam, and my friend and colleague, Sonya Fehér. We're here to help you launch and grow your professional organizing business!

For over 12 years now, we've helped 1000's of aspiring organizers take their passion for organizing and turn it into a real and rewarding business.

Aside from business, Adam and I are parents of two young children and Sonya is a parent of a teenager, so we know exactly what it's like to juggle between running a business full-time while balancing family life.

If you've been scared to try professional organizing or wondered why you're struggling, here's the great news: There's no magic to success; it's about following a proven framework and having support to follow through!

And now, you're not in it alone!

Sonya Fehér, Adam Murray, Cynthia Murray

Introducing the...

Art of Professional Organizing

Get on the proven path to organizing success with personal support to get you there fast!

Get on the proven path to organizing success - with personal support to get you there fast!

What You'll Find Inside:

Module 1

Mindset Mastery

Want to stop that nagging negative voice in your head? Want to feel not just confident, but powerful and in control? You’ll love Module 1. You’ll learn our framework for rock solid belief so that you can effectively rewire your brain to shift from excuse making to action taking!

Module 2

Business Basics

Module 2 covers all essentials for starting a business on a budget. You’ll learn what’s required and recommended for costs under $100, including business name, work bag, branding, income planning, ideal client, and more. Get set up for success from the start with everything covered.

Module 3

Optimized Website

Now module 3 is not just another huge cost saver, but a way to have a website that is designed to connect emotionally and position you as the go-to professional organizer in your area! Worried about what to write? No problem, everything’s already been done for you. Simply replace the sections unique to you and you’re good to go!

Module 4

Attraction Marketing

Want to be able to ramp things up? Module 4 reveals the exact strategy I, and many of our students use, to prominently show up on Google whenever someone searches for a professional organizer in your area. You also won’t have to wait weeks or months to show with this very targeted marketing approach.

Module 5

Calendly Booking

What about staying organized yourself? Module 5 is all about your automated booking system so that you’re spending less time managing and never forgetting or missing appointments. You’ll see exactly how to set this up, what wording to use, and all for no additional cost!

Module 6

Trust Based Enrollment

One major concern new organizers have is what to say and do when speaking with those who are interested in hiring you. Module 6 goes deep on the entire process so that you’re prepared, ready, and 100% professional WITHOUT sounding salesy or pushy whatsoever!

Module 7

In-Home Consultation

Module 7 teaches how to handle in-home assessments with confidence. No more worrying about what to say or do. Learn to start and finish smoothly and professionally, avoid offending clients and close the deal while scheduling session times. All key elements are covered to make the process effortless.

Module 8

Offering Packages

Module 8 teaches how to structure rates to get paid upfront and retain clients. Learn why to charge $50/hr+ and how to create compelling packages that motivate clients to pay more. Get our packages calculator tool to make math automatic and implementation easy. Maximize earnings and keep clients committed.

Module 9

Working With Clients

Now if you want to avoid looking like you’re winging it, module 9 shows you how to give your clients an amazing experience from your first session to the final details.  Knowing the entire process, our S.O.R.T. framework and how everything fits together will keep your clients happy and also keep you from feeling anxious and overwhelmed trying to figure things out on the fly.

Module 10

Referral Business

And lastly, knowing how to attract referral business not just from clients, but from realtors and other professionals, will result in client after client who already trusts you and wants to work with you. Module 10 covers our strategy to make this happen so you don’t ever have to just rely on one source of leads for your business. They’ll be coming in from all kinds of places!

Plus 6 Months of Weekly Coaching + ALL Bonuses

Not only are you getting LIFETIME access to all 10 Modules in the Art of Professional Organizing, you are also getting 6 MONTHS of weekly live coaching to keep you pushing forward with your new organizing business! PLUS – ALL BONUSES (see details below)

See How Johamy, Mom of 3 Young Kids, Made $10k in Just a 15 Day Period!

We helped Johamy from ground zero, to getting her first client, to building a team, to hitting her first $10k month in her organizing business!

Hear How Cathy Went From Downsized to Her Very First 5-Figure Month!

Cathy is a Professional Organizer who also helps busy entrepreneurs. With our help, she’s now had her first $10k month and her next goal is $20k!

Wendy Helps With Moves and Had Her First $10k Month Soon After Covid!

Instead of living in fear, she used Covid down-time to build systems, relationships, and BOOM… She hit her 1st of many $10,000 months to come!

Tina is Consistently Selling Her 30 Hour Organizing Packages ($1500 Each!)

With our help, Tina was able to go from being a nanny to starting and growing her Professional Organizing business within just a few weeks!

Candi Offers Organizing and Estate Clearing Services...

With our help she was able to launch quickly and she’s grown to consistent $5,000 months and just recently had her 2nd $10,000 month!

Christa Jones Went ALL-IN And Now Has a 6-Figure Business...

Within just a few days of hearing about us, Christa jumped right in, implemented, and her business took off. She now has a team and is growing fast!

Sandy Spatz shares "I'm Earning Twice as Much in 1/2 The Time"

She joined with already having 15 years of experience, but had to shut her business down due to lack of clients. We helped her level up her business and she’s doing very well for herself.

Ruth Closed Out Year with $90,000 in Revenue!

Ruth started from scratch with our training, took every single step, and launched within a few months. She’s now approaching 6-figures a year!

Nancy's Already Seeing Success Right Off The Bat - Selling Big Packages!

She was able to avoid the crazy learning curves and, from the start, sold a 45 hour package paid upfront in cash (45 Hours @ Over $50/hr)!

Sonya is Our Program Director And Had This To Say...

Sonya has been working with us for years now and has witnessed the life changing transformations we’ve helped to create. Here’s what she said…

Rachel Says We Saved Her Business... $8k and $10k months!

Rachel wasn’t sure what to do. She was about to close her business, but she was immediately successful with our strategies and she did $8,000, then $10,000 her first few months with us!

Felisha's Hitting $10k Months!

Once Felisha made the adjustments we suggested, she started hitting $5k months, then $10k months in her organizing business and isn’t looking back!

PLUS, That's Not All, You're Getting...

ALL of These Bonuses

(A total, additional value, of $9,973!)

Bonus 1

6 MONTHS of WEEKLY Coaching + Guest Speakers

Because I realize that no matter how much information you get, none of that matters if you get stuck or start to feel overwhelmed. So, I’m also including 6 Months of Weekly Coaching w/ our program director, Sonya Fehér, a Guest Speaker Every Month AND Lifetime Access to our Support Group w/ 1000+ other Pro Organizers!

This is your support line against the fear of failing or that this is all too risky. Every single week, you’ll be able to tune in, get your questions answered, and see first-hand the success others are having to help motivate you to really make this happen for yourself! These calls are filled with beginners all the way through those 6-figure earners.

Sonya has been part of our team since 2017 and has been voted Austin’s top organizer for 7 years in a row. But not only that, she’s an award winning teacher and educator and knows exactly how to help you break through roadblocks and reach new heights.

The value of the 6 months of weekly coaching and the LIFETIME access to our amazing support group is $2,997.

Bonus 2

8-Page Trust Based Enrollment Script

Don’t want to sound salesy, afraid of what to say and/or want to attract higher value clients right from the start? This scripting shows you how to build an emotional bond with your clients and guides you through the must-know 7 categories of questions for you to touch on every single time. It’s 8 pages and completely scripted word-for-word. Simply tweak it to how you would say things and you’re now a confident, non-pushy professional who your new clients will connect with and WANT to hire!

Valued at $997

Bonus 3

Contracts & Forms for Your Clients

These forms will eliminate all your concerns and worries about payment, liability, and so many of the what if’s. These templated forms personally cost us $1000 in attorney fees and are applicable to every state. Simply plug in your own company information, and you’ve just saved yourself $500-$1000 in legal fees! These were created specifically for professional organizers and are not some generic forms that you’d need to spend hours and hours customizing.

Valued at $497

Bonus 4

100+ Hours of Guest Expert Deep Dives

Over the past 10 years, we’ve worked with amazing guest experts in a wide range of topics. Each session is about an hour long and covers everything you’re seeing on the screen here. You are getting LIFETIME access to these to access 24/7 forever to brush up or improve on your skills… and we’re the ONLY place you can get any of this training.

Valued at $1,997

Bonus 5

(4) 30-Day Challenges + Done-For-You

Worried about trying to learn everything all at once? With these bonus challenges, you can focus on just one aspect of Professional Organizing – closets, bathrooms, pantries, or virtual organizing. These all include step-by-step guided training with done-for-you marketing materials so that you can simply plug and play.

Valued at $997

Bonus 6

Ducks in a Row, Estate Clearing + Advanced Needs Assessment Training

We partnered with professional organizer Sarah Stitham to give you some options for expanding your business. The “Ducks in a Row,” “Estate Clearing Secrets” and “Advanced Needs Assessment” training provides over 6 hours of training, 50+ page documents, 8 forms and templates, and Sarah’s trade strategies and forms/scripts respectively.

Valued at $997

Bonus 7

(3) Mini Challenges + Done-For-You

Maybe you’re looking for additional, optional ways to stand out in the market place and position yourself as the go-to expert? These quick and easy mini-challenges are shorter than our 30 day ones, but are just as action packed. You’ll see how to lead powerful workshops, additional marketing strategies not included in the core training, and how to automate your follow up by building out your email list.

Valued at $497

Bonus 8

4-Part Virtual Organizing Series

Now, after all this, maybe YOU’RE still questioning if your local area is a hot spot for organizing… I get it. Whether that’s true or not (which it’s likely not true unless you are in the middle of nowhere), you have the option of helping clients virtually. This is where you’re more of a coach and you’re not doing any of the physical organizing. This is a 4-part series showing you exactly what it takes, how to implement, and how to sell this valuable service!

Valued at $497

Bonus 9

PDF's Collection (Huge Time Saver!)

And lastly, to save you even more of your valuable time so you can focus on clients and the making money part… There’s over 10 resource PDF’s covering everything from 150 social media post ideas, to outreach scripts, to checklists of what to include in your work bag… The point is, we’ve thought of everything you’ll need and included it throughout this entire special offer for you to have instantly at your fingertips!

Valued at $497

Common Getting Started Questions

I want to do this, but I only have 1-2 days a week to start

That’s fine! Starting a business part-time is a smart move. That way, you can keep your current job or other responsibilities as a safety net while you work on building your business. And don't worry about whether or not it'll work for all your clients. You only need it to work for a few, and clients are usually very understanding of limited availability. And when you're ready, you can always grow and expand, or not. The choice is completely up to you!

Most people I know are tight with their money. I don’t think this will fly where I live…

While it’s true not everyone will invest in a professional organizer, unorganized people exist everywhere and it only takes a small percentage of them to make a successful business. Organizing is a necessity, not a luxury. Look around and notice what people are buying, like cars, houses and TVs, these are all indicators that people are willing to invest in things that improve their quality of life. The key is to identify the right people who want and value this service, and provide them with that value.

I’m scared of running into a “Hoarding” type situation

It's understandable to be concerned about encountering a hoarding situation when starting an organizing business, but you can choose to not work on these types of projects right from the start. You’ll quickly realize what type of project it is during your initial discovery call and you can politely refer them to a specialist if you need to.

By setting clear boundaries and referring clients to specialists if necessary, and building a strong reputation, you can attract clients who are seeking help with more general organization.

I’m afraid I’m going to get too busy, too fast

If the thought of getting too many clients at once overwhelms you, there’s an easy solution… The key is to remember YOU are in control of your schedule and YOU can set clear boundaries to manage your workload. AND it IS okay to turn away clients if you are already booked up and prioritize the clients you already have. And, if you’re up for it, getting too busy means you may be ready to grow and expand by bringing on team members.

I don’t want to sound salesy, it’s just not me

No one wants to be a slimy sales person, right? The great news is you don’t have to! Keeping things super natural is key. It’s really about asking the right questions and listening. Instead of selling, focus on building an emotional connection with your clients by understanding their needs and providing a solution that aligns with their values. Coming up with great questions you can reference on your initial calls will make all the difference.

I’m afraid my spouse or partner won’t be supportive

Look, I get it, fortunately for me my husband’s always been very supportive, but I know the reality is, most spouses aren’t so quick to jump on board. Clear communication is key here. The best approach is usually to find a good time to talk and share your goals, how starting this business is a low-risk opportunity with big returns, and how it'll benefit both of you.

I remember one of our students even made a presentation for their husband to show how much this really meant to them. Now I don’t think you need to go that far, but whatever you feel is right. The point is, it’s important to have your own goals and desires and you shouldn’t be afraid to go after them and really make them happen, right?

I’m afraid of failing and that it’s too risky

I totally get why you might be worried about failing and that it's too risky to start an organizing business. Starting something new can be scary and it's normal to have doubts. But here's the thing, failure is not the opposite of success, it's a part of it. Every successful entrepreneur has failed before. And when it comes to risk, starting a professional organizing business is not as risky as you think if you have a solid plan and support system. And the best case scenario? You'll be living your dream doing something you love and really making a difference in others’ lives!

I think there’s just way too much competition

I can understand why you might think there's too much competition. I mean if you do a search in Google in your area, you might find lots of organizers… But, here's the thing, competition is not always a bad thing. It means there is a demand for the service. It also means that there are other organizers who are getting booked up, leaving room for you to get in and take your share of the market. Additionally, you can differentiate yourself by offering unique services or by targeting a specific niche market. Remember, competition can be a sign of opportunity and not a barrier to entry. With the right positioning, you will be able to make your business stand out and succeed.

I don’t think this will work during a recession

Yes, it is true that during a recession, some individuals may not be able to afford a professional organizer, but that’s just as true outside of a recession. I personally started my organizing business back in 2009, at the peak of the last recession, and I got my first client 2 days later followed by many many more…

And, according to research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 33% of Americans still spend a significant amount of money during a recession. And that’s likely the same percent of people who are hiring professional organizers anyways.

My experience and the experience of my students proves that people still hire organizers whether the economy is up or if it’s down. It’s super important to remember you don’t need EVERYONE to be able to hire you. You just need a handful of clients each month to do very well.

I heard you need to be certified and first work 1500 hours

There’s a lot of misinformation out there or ways to read into things wrong. While there is a certification course out there that first requires you to work 1500 hours of organizing projects, that’s just a private company. There’s no official regulation or certification for professional organizers available. Anyone can call themselves a professional organizer right from the start without a single document saying they are a professional organizer. Now, I do believe you should have some training and know what you’re doing, but as far as legal requirements, you definitely don’t have to first work 1500 hours.

I don’t want to build a team or I don’t want to do this all alone

That’s a valid concern one way or the other. The beauty of this is, you don’t have to have a team of organizers or you can. It’s completely up to you and how you want to design your business. If you hear me talking about students making 6-figures and having a team, that doesn’t mean you have to have a team as well. Maybe you just want a side income on the weekends or to make $5000 a month, or more, as a solo-organizer… it’s your business and you can do what you want! What a great concept, right? To actually be in control and make decisions based on what you want or don’t want. It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Ready to Get Started?

Everything you’re getting here will save you time, money, and headaches from trying to figure this out all on your own. Just 1 or 2 clients will pay for your entire investment. The Art of Professional Organizing by itself is valued at $4,997 and all of the bonuses combined is another $9,973. Bringing the total value to $14,970…

Total Value: $14,970...

Yours Only: $1,297!

Or 4 Monthly Payments of $375



No Risk with Our 30-Day Guarantee

But even if the value is obvious, maybe you’re just not sure if this is for you… Maybe you don’t know if this is truly the right direction for you. I can completely understand that hesitation. So, here’s the deal… As soon as you join, you have a FULL 30 DAYS to decide if this is for you or not. There’s absolutely no risk at all to you. You either love everything you’re getting and keep pushing forward or you decide it’s not for you and you can get your investment back.